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ZIP ZAP Padded Buckle Skirt with snow flake embroidery -- £3.99 per item - 5 pack
Last pack left - padded and cotton lined skirt with one zip and one flap pocket, buckle style belt attached. half-elasticated waist. ages in the pack: 6/12=2, 12/18=2, 18/23=1 - 2 reds and 3 beige

packs contain a mixture of:
colours: burgundy & beige
sizes: 6/12,12/18 & 18/23 months

Colours: Burgundy & Beige

Sizes: 6/12,12/18 & 18/23 Months

Price per item: £3.99
Items in pack: 5
Pack price: £19.95
BOYS & GIRLS FLEECE JOGGERS -- £1.99 per item - 10 pack
Only 4 packs left - unisex - boys & girls medium weight fleece joggers in polyester/ cotton, with elastic waist and back pocket this item is not suitable for hot climates, pack will contain all of the sizes listed 

packs contain a mixture of:
colours: grey & navy
sizes: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6 years
£2.50 £1.99

Colours: GREY & NAVY

Sizes: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6 years

Price per item: £2.50 £1.99
Items in pack: 10
Pack price: £25.00 £19.90